Monday 25 June 2012

Music Permission Massive Attack -Tear drop (Instrumental Remix)

This is 'Massive Attack - Teardrop (Instrumental Remix)'  created by CBY10111. I asked many people on YouTube and tried contacting many artist's websites. Most of my attempts failed. Eventually one person replied, confirming that I can use his music in my short film, this allows me to get round the copright issue if the artist gave me permission. The music is required because I need a soft neutral beat, and when I listen to this song I get a feeling of new beginnings, which is like in our short film you have the two teenagers carrying on with their life and also the addition of Lucas possibly coming back to life after his grave gets hit by red lightning. The soundtrack will also carry on through the credits. 

Sunday 24 June 2012

Impulse Inc Intro

This is the first intro I've made for 'Impulse inc' which will be displayed at the the start of our short film. Please note that this is the first draft and it will consist of slight improvements to make it more professional by using feedback from others.

This is the second draft for our Intro for Impulse.Inc
We used the feedback from our teacher who said that "It already looks great, Ellis! The second lightning bolt seems more instantaneous in its destruction of the words. The first bolt seems to take a little too long to destroy them. That would be the only critical feedback I would offer."
So I worked on the timing  the lightning bolt struck and altered the sound to hopefully make a perfect Intro.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Influential Media - Fantastic 4

This is an influential film to us as these characters get hit by a magical storm and then they get super powers from it. In our film we are doing a similar thing as we have three main characters and they are all out together and they get hit by lightening, which is caused by the magical storm. When our characters get hit by lightening they receive these magical powers. Also in fantastic four there is one guy that miss treats his powers, so he starts to want to become more powerful and then takes his powers for bad use. We are doing something similar to this as well because one of the three friends gets too carried away and then starts to use his powers for bad, so then the other two friends have to team up to defeat there friend.

This is when the magical storm hits:

This is another shot of the magical storm:

This is where one of the characters gets hit by the storm:

This is another character getting hit by the storm:

Camera work:
The camera work in this film shows loads of close ups of the characters faces, so we can see the emotions in their facial expressions. In our film we want to have loads of close ups so the audience can see their reactions when they realise they have powers, we also want the audience to see their emotions they are going through when they discover their powers. Also in this film they use the camera for long shots as well as close ups and they also use a lot of establishing shots, so when we make our film we want a variety of different shots and different types of camera work.

This is a close up, so you can see their facial expressions:

This is also another close up so you can see the facial expressions:

This is another facial expression after she has just realised her powers:

This is also another facial expression that is used; we like how they have use a over shoulder shot and then display his facial expression in the mirror:

In our film we want each character to have their signature pose where they display their powers. In fantastic four they have a similar pose that we would like to use.
This is the signature pose that we would like to use but we want to change the flame into a small lightning bolt:

Influential Media - Misfits

Influential Media - Chronicle

Loaction Shots for our party scene (where we gained our powers)

All of these location shots are from when where walking home from the party where we got hit by lightening, so basically when we got our powers

Thursday 14 June 2012

Music and sound

I have asked my cousin who is in a band 'Parrell Lines' if we could use one of his studio song's for our short film( to avoid copyright issues)  which is rock/ alternative style of music which will fit the audience of our film as we are targetting teenagers.
Additionly I will be using ambience sounds that match the setting or mood displayed in the scene.
For instance if there in a cemetry there will be eerie and sinister music playing and in an intense scene there will be music that reinforces the emotion of adrenaline. All these sounds I have obtained from my teacher and download online via free sites which give me permission to use the sounds. Furthermore, I needed electricity type of sounds to match the special effects shown in the frame.

Shot List for "Electrio"

This is the shot list for our film "Electrio". As the project goes along we may change, add and remove shots.