Tuesday 26 February 2013

February update

We completed all the filming for our trailer and had putted it all into the structure so that it can be understood. We had continued editing the scenes with after effects so that we could create the special effects to portray the actors lightning powers.

We completed our final drafts of our print tasks adding conventions such as a credit box on our poster and finishing touches to our magazine so that it looks more professional for example we choose to use two primary colors red and white on our font text so that it looks professional and so there are not too many colors distracting the audience.

We also showed our finished production to the our media A level class and on the social networking site Facebook as well as putting it on you tube so that we could attain a wide range of feedback. We then took the feedback we received and got together as a group to try and improve on our production to the best quality. We found that the best feedback we attained was from the social networking site Facebook as most of our friends on Facebook fit into our target audience age group of 13-18 so that the feedback we received was mainly from this age group which was effective as they were the age group that we was trying to reach.

We also created our electronic evaluation of our production using the same camera we used for our production, recording through its mic we were able to complete our evaluation following structured questions. We also added video from our production and images to our evaluation so that we can give the viewer a visual display of what we are talking about allowing us to analyse our production whilst actually providing video to give the viewer a more thorough understanding of what we did in our production and why.

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